Saturday, April 11, 2009

One language , One religion , one low for all, can only makes the one country more beautiful!!

Some times I am thinking why India is under developed still now!! We have great resource of human power and great technologies. But we are still underdeveloped!!

Its a such a very bad thing to India, because India don't have any one language and one religion. All are fighting each other, state wise fights , communication gap, one state people can not go for another state , because communication gap. India needs one language for whole country and one religion.

In my sense religion is two types, one is homosephians and humans. We need humans in India, thats I am call it as religion. Because of god only fightings are created, society is divided, people are divided.
Wht is the use of god? till I am not able to find!! , because god is in each and every content of the nature , it may be tree, it may be animal , it may be homosephians or humans, god is nothing but its a live content. its a live thing. But people may mistaken it, if we are going to share the god for each of one India, every one will get one god, may i hope some of are still remains for future members.

People of this nation makes this country as featureless, because this people don't have a nature, because they can give a respect to god, but not humanity, not any individual, How this country can be develop??

I will write more on same topic tomorrow..

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